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Deutsche Version


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Last update: February 1st, 2011

-->Report output

-->Special configuration for Katasterfachschalen

Tips for browsing

By using a browser to access you data you do not only have simple access, but you may also use the browser's features for efficiency, especially in a Microsoft Windows environment.

Here are some examples using the Microsoft Internet Explorer. All examples shown can be performed using the same or very similar procedures with most other browsers, too.

Opening multiple windows

Beneath the capability of going back and forth, it is also possible to open the target of a link in a new window, enabling you to open several windows with, say, the different restaurants you have found. Then, you can compare the detail pages without having to jump around by simply activating the windows.

To open a link in a new window, click on it with the right button pressed, which opens a menu, where you choose "open in new window".

Copy images to your word processor

If you clikc on an image with the right mouse button pressed, you get a context menu which has an entry "copy". Click on it, and the image will be copied to the Windows clipboard.

Then, simply change to your word processor and choose "paste". Now the image is in your text, you can zoom it, move it or edit it.

Save images

In the context menu, you will also find an entry "save image as...". If you click on it, you can save the image in a file on your hard disk.

This can be very useful, for example if you want to convert the image to another format, change colours, add comments or change its size. For such tasks, you would use a graphics program, like Paint Shop Pro.

Copy links

The link (address) itself may also be copied through the context menu. Some applications allow to insert such a link as a frame, e. g. inside a text document, which accesses live data from that address. However, the dispatcher must run during accessing such a document.

-->Report output

-->Special configuration for Katasterfachschalen