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Last update: February 1st, 2011

-->Table search

-->Finding objects with table search

Find objects with full text search

Now, we want to go through some typical sessions to show how to work with SW-Lookup®.

Let's presume, you are looking for a restaurant with chinese cuisine. To find it, do the following.

Enter "Restaurant* chine*" into the search string field (or simply "chine*"). You get the following result:

Click on the first result, and you get the following display:

Now you may zoom in, by clicking on the right image, zoom out by clicking the link below the image, or pan to another region by clicking on the left image.

Let's take another example: You are looking for the restaurants near the Lensfield Road. So you enter "Lensfield", and get the following result table:

Among others, you find the street "Lensfield Road". Click on the link, and you get:

You should eventually experiment with the keyword search to find out about the footangles with different writings etc. The main advantage of full text search is:

  1. You do not need to know where the information you are searching might be stored,
  2. The results may be spread over all tables and you may pick the most plausible results from the result table.
  3. The searching is like in the popular internet search engines, which makes it easy to be used.

-->Table search

-->Finding objects with table search