Deutsche Version
Deutsche Version


Contact: info@friendlyGIS.com

Copyright© friendlyGIS® GmbH 2000-2010

Last update: February 1st, 2011

-->Index creation

-->Configuration dialog

Configure PeerServers

new!Since Version 1.30, no manual module installation is necessary. The module installation, copying of the support files and creation of the image is done with the setup program.

However, you may still load the components manually, or save the image with a new name or as a startup image. If you do so, please be sure to stop the peerserver before saving the image:

  • Open the SW-Lookup® configuration menu by entering ps_manager.show_config() at the Magik prompt or by choosing the menu.
  • Press 'stop connection' on the menu and wait until the status is "dead" (max. approx. 30 seconds).

If you omit to stop the peerserver, you may receive tracebacks on image startup which might disable the PeerServer!

All GIS workstations, which will be used as peerservers, must be started with an image that contains the component "sw_lookup". You should build that image based on your normal working image (see "execute setup" below).

In this chapter you may find all informations about how to configure at the PeerServer side. It is divided in these sections:

Configuration dialog

View configuration dialog

Visible fields configuration

Loading and saving configurations

-->Index creation

-->Configuration dialog