Deutsche Version
Copyright© friendlyGIS® GmbH 2000-2010
Last update: February 1st, 2011
New PeerServer features in 2.0x
- For each object, you may configure the visible fields different from the default values found in the database.
- Fields may be classified 'writable' there, which allows changing data values (no graphics) using SW-Lookup®.
- On access to objects, the Smallworld® GIS authorisation is checked and used (none/select/update) accordingly.
- Full text search has been improved, and index creation is much better - you may even add or remove tables
incrementally from the index
- There is an additional table search now, like in the GIS, but better.
- Not only object configuration, but also search index configuration may be saved and loaded.
- Searches which are too complex, and therefore too slow, return graceful without temporarily killing the PeerServer
as they did before.
- Reports may be output for results of the table search.
- A simplified API makes individual changes easier.
- Session information is stored and available for administrative use.